Thursday, January 6, 2011


While I'd much rather be writing all of you to tell you something wonderful like "I won the lottery!" or "I was appointed Chocolate Czar!", unfortunately as many of you know, that's not the case. I had my usual MRI on Monday, and through a phone appointment on Tuesday found out that the stupid tumor is growing again. I haven't actually seen the MRI yet, but supposedly it's in the range of 1-2 cm. It grew fast. The past few days have been spent examining the possible treatments, and tomorrow morning I have an appointment with UCSF to see if I fit into any clinical trials that look interesting. Otherwise, it's going to be some kind of surgery (either normal or radiation), then treatment with Avastin and some kind of chemo (not Temodar). Did it come back because I stopped the Temodar? My oncologist didn't think so - it wouldn't have come back so quickly. The director of the support group said, "Don't even think about it. It doesn't really matter anyway."

What effect this will have on my lifestyle depends on what treatment I end up going through, but what affect it has is very clear....


  1. HI Eric- you don't know me - I am a friend of Julie's (Green- like the color)-you would be amazed at how prayer groups grow exponentially by who you "know". Many prayers for you. Kick this dang thing.

  2. dammit! this sucks! hopefully you find a good clinical trial to get into. It took us a while but we found one for Kelly's sister that was being administered out of Spokane so she wouldn't have to move to Seattle just for chemo. much love and positive energy from NYC!

  3. Let us know if you want to be appointed Chocolate Czar (or at least the local czar-ette or something) - or if there's anything else we can do to help.

  4. Much love from Sac Eric! You know your boater (and cyling :-) buds have your back and would do anything in the world for you (although we don't have much pull with the chocolate or lottery people unfortunately). You can beat this - I know you will.

  5. ##$@%%^^&*$###!!
    Healing energy is being sent from Petoskey, MI
