The rest of my thanks are spread out far and wide:
To the people I work with and the place I work. I can't even begin to explain how easy it's been to make it this far because of their support, and how crazy it could have been if not for them.
To my mom's chocolate cake. Damn that's good.
To Chana and her mom, for helping me keep perspective.
To blogs, so I don't need to write quite as many e-mails....
To other survivors, for helping me learn how to pull myself through.
To ultimate, for connecting me to some of the most amazing people I know.
To Lance, mainly for making me laugh.
To the Lions, mainly for making me...laugh.
To the X-men, for giving me a quick way to explain things to strangers.
To all the turkeys who sacrificed themselves (including the Lions).
To layers. Remember, layers are key.
To drug companies. While they aren't perfect, they are keeping me alive.
To the parts of my hair that seem to be slowly returning.
To the members of Congress who are caring people and understand that an incredibly wealthy nation can afford to keep its people healthy.
(And again) To my luck of being employed by a great company, and therefore having health care to keep me alive.
To my siblings' dogs, each of which is adorable in its own way! (I still like you more, Chana....)
To music....sweet sweet music. And, of course, dancing in the street.
To wilderness areas. They keep me sane. Ok...close to sane....
And not to be too repetitive, but I'm most thankful for my family (immediate and extended) and friends (local and long distance) for all the kindness and love they've shared. And yes, that's you I'm talkin' 'bout. Youse gotta problem?!?